You know what’s really getting on my last nerve? Seeing requests for information about ethnicity and race on job or employment applications. Why are you asking me about my ethnicity or race on a job application? And don’t try to give me that excuse about hiring enough minorities, because I see through it. You’re a bunch of covert, incognito racists. The other day, I filled out an application for a digital marketing job, and they asked for my ethnicity and race in three different sections of the application. In all three sections, it said that providing this information was optional and related to government requirements. If it’s optional, then why are you pressuring me for it? And if it’s optional and you don’t actually care, why the heck are you asking for it? Shouldn’t your main concern be whether I’m qualified for the job?

Shouldn’t you be more interested in whether I can generate revenue or bring you profits? Or do you lack any business acumen and are just fixated on whether I’m purple, green, black, white, or blue? Because, of course, that’s what will determine your company’s success, right? I’m fed up with encountering this nonsense. It’s quite surprising that even in 2023, companies are still allowed to inquire about race and ethnicity on job applications. You haven’t even assessed my qualifications yet, but you’re already asking about my color. And while we’re at it, my gender or any other classification. What difference does it make? Can someone with a penis market better than someone without? Is that what you’re implying now?

I can understand asking about certain physical requirements for jobs that involve heavy lifting, but do you really need to know a person’s gender for most positions? Maybe there are some out there who think I can’t lift 150 pounds repeatedly because I’m a woman, and I’m cool with that because I don’t want to life 150 pound repeatedly nor am I  willing to do it. But It’s high time we remove questions about ethnicity and race from job applications in a country that claims to provide equal opportunity. You’ve become quite adept at practicing racism in subtle ways. You’ve found all sorts of loopholes, and we’re all aware of it.

halfblackbetty Uncategorized