I get so tired of hearing about what “High Value” is and What Somebody brings to a Table.

“Value” is subjective. For example (please don’t be a moron and take this example literally): If I really want to be with a black man that loves hunting so that we can go hunting together because HUNTING is my passion, and you’re a black man that hates hunting then you have no value to me as it pertains to what I want in a man.

If you want to be with a women that cook, and I can’t and don’t want to cook, I have no value to you as it pertains to what you want in a woman.

Some women like to be taken care of and some women like to take care of men as if they are their mothers.

Some men like to be taken care of and some men enjoy taking care of women.

I’m a little tired of people who have never been an insider to non-conservative, rich and/or millionaires lives trying to tell me what rich, non-conservative people like and do.

Especially the millionaires whom I personally know that cheat on their wives and do all kinds of weird shit and put up a nice front for the public.

When I was in the music business, I saw all kinds of things and not as an outsider looking in, as an insider. I don’t feel this makes me better than anyone. Nor am I trying to boast about my experiences. I’m merely using this to make a point relevant to the context of this post. Also please keep in mind that if you are a “square”, intelligent “round” people are not going to invite you to their “round parties” – I hope that makes sense.

People love to live in delusional worlds. Sometimes these are the people doing the weird shit that they have convinced themselves they don’t do but that others have seen them do. I’m not going to go too deep into this part.

I’m seeing a trend of people getting extremely upset over truth. I see a lot of men who genuinely believe the only value a woman has is in a relationship. And they find it unfathomable that a woman would thrive without one. This bugs me because I am not bitter. I really love good men. Probably not what some of you consider good. Because a lot of people have a misconception of what good actually is.

Many self-proclaimed “good men” and “good women” are complete nightmares in relationships, which is the real reason they have issues finding the right person. They appear to be good or some kind of catch on the outside and in front of an audience, but behind closed doors, they’re fkin weirdos to the third degree.

For some reason, many people have come to the conclusion that they know more than most. I have found that the people that “know more than most” never ever come off as if they “know more than most” and they’re typically open to new ways of doing things and new perspectives.

I’ve had men chase me with wives and then turn around and suggest that women are “chasing men”, which is profoundly amusing to me.

People think because I talk a lot, I don’t listen or remember my experiences with them.

When men begin to tell me how allusive or untouchable millionaire men are, I have to laugh because although, I definitely don’t consider myself all that, I have never had a hard time meeting millionaire men or men who want to take care of women. As a matter-of-fact, I’ve had two just this week offer me lives of leisure that I turned down and I’m old, out of shape, and a pain in the ass to deal with.

But what they were offering just isn’t what I want at this time in my life.

Every woman OR man is not the same and every woman isn’t defined by their relationship status.

Some of us want more……

I say this to say, I can’t even imagine what the women half my age have access to. So don’t fool yourselves buddy. Yes, I know, your friends got women dripping off of them and doing everything in their power to “get that ring” or that “relationship” from your buddies And I bet all of those women are much more of a catch than myself. Hell, I definitely don’t consider myself a catch at all. And I’m broke.

However, this means nothing to me. Because lots of men love taking care of women. AND lots of men, have the means to do so without it being an issue.

Do I think adults should take care of other adults? No, I don’t! But I can’t tell people what to do and neither can you. I mean you can try. But how has that been working for you?

And yes, lots of “PEOPLE” get used and abused by other people everyday. Women get abused by men and men get run over by women. Its life! This is how “People” are.

There are people who are pushing relationships and pretending to be happy in public while they’re sleeping in separate rooms at home. And they believe since no one has caught them cheating, they’re setting a good example. These are typically the ones I find who like to shove “loyalty” down people’s throats.

There are also lots of people in relationships who love and adore each other dearly. Probably none of them will be interacting with this post because they don’t care about arguing with people about negative sh*t. They’re busy planning their vacations and having fun raising their children or winning noble peace prizes or doing something substantial, productive, or fun.

Meanwhile everybody who’s miserable is over here trying to prove what “high value” is, what a “hoe” is, what a “woman’s place should be”, and how they can change a bunch of grown people’s minds who have already made up their minds.

No one is going to change anyone’s mind about what another person wants or desires in a partner. People want what they want. All you can do is set good examples. How do you set good examples? By stepping outside your delusion, being honest with yourself, and treating people, whether they be men, women, or children, as you would like to be treated.

And just because you don’t believe something is possible or happening or you have surrounded yourselves by a different type of folk, doesn’t mean its not happening. It may not be happening in your world, but every one of us is living in our own world.

You would be surprised what’s out here in this world that you and I know absolutely nothing about when we decide to step away from our own ideaologies, traditions, and routines.

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